Based in  the Elmgrove Estate, in the centre of Walton-On-Thames, Surrey, UK,  we provide our community with access to a multi functional, safe space.   With us people can reduce waste and access many beneficial initiatives such as the Library of Things, Community Fridge, Refill Point, Skill Share, Small item recycling, Community Garden, Seed Bank, Jigsaw swap, Book Swap to name but a few – all under ONE roof!


Feb 8th 2025

Issues with surplus food supply

As some of our regular visitors may be aware, we have sadly seen a huge drop off in donations of surplus food. It is unclear why exactly this is, but we can suggest:

1) Stores are buying less from suppliers so have less to donate

2) Stores are struggling with food supply lines and as such have less availability

3) Stores are understaffed and therefore, despite donations being available, the donation is not ready for us when we turn up in store.

It is important to remember that all food donations are given to us in good faith, and that we are thankful for anything we receive. Our misson is to reduce food waste, not necessarily to target help to those in need, though there is clear overlap. We are not a foodbank, but that does not mean we are not here to help.

So how does the process work?  We are alligned to 2 organisations – Fareshare and Neighbourly.  They work directrly with major stores and partner organisations like ours to receive donations when available.

We are allocated slots on certain days of the week. If there is food available from these stores then we receive a notification.

At this point our amazing volunteers go to store, collect the donation and return it the Eco Hub.

They then sort through the various food items, removing the squishy tomatoes, heavily bruised apples, and items that are beyond Useby dates.

These items are then added to our compost bins.  The good items are placed into our fridge and freezers for you to take.

Currently we have about 30 allocated slots per week, but it is not uncommon for a store to contact us to say that have nothing available.

Sadly it is becoming quite common for stores to say they do have items, but when our volunteer turns up, the food has either been thrown in the trash, has been taken by another organisation (incredibly frustrating)  or there actually was no donation, so the notification was false.

An important note everyone should understand. Our volunteers collect surplus food from many local shops. They do so from 7am to 9:30pm 6 days per week. They use their own vehicles, and donate their own time. They are true community heroes.

So, when you come to get food, please appreciate the work and effort that has gone in to making it available.

Surplus food is not free. There are time transport and storage costs (fridges and freezers), but we make it free to you. As such, please respect the process and our rules. Only take what you need. No more than 1 visit per day, and if we restrict the amount of any items available, thats because we have a fair use policy. We want to save food from going to waste, but we want as many local people to benefit as possible.

There is no perfect way to manage a commuity fridge. Some have decided to close down due to aggressive behavious, sense of entitlement, arguements and even violence.  So, if you value your community fridge, please understand and respect the effort we put in to bring it to you even when we have frustrating periods when there is little surplus food available.


Jan 25th 2025

Crowdfund Campaign continues until Feb 12th

Having set an original target of £9300 which  we thought very ambitious, local people and business along with match funding from Aviva smashed through that target, and indeed the new stretch target of £12,000. We are now sitting at a truly astonishing £14,000! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us to far, but please do consider adding to the fund. All extra money will be used to make improvements to the building, make volunteers time at the Hub more comfortable, improve safety standards and help support new initiatives like yoga/pilates/crafting/art/cooking classes.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Jan 22nd 2025

Eco Hub to reopen at 9am on Friday 24th

The will reopen at 9am on Friday 24th January, after the council contractors have conducted a deep clean of the car park and areas immediately surrounding the Hub. Thanks for your patience.


Jan 10th 2025

Crowdfunder Campaign extended

Due to the amazing response we have had to our Crowdfunding campaign, we have decided to extend it until 5pm February 12th. Any extra money raised will be used to support our volunteers with their expenses, and provision for new equipment within the new Hub. Many thanks for your continued support and to that of Aviva and their staff for the match funding. You guys are amazing!


Dec 2024

The Eco Hub is moving

We are delighted to announce, that after 3 years in Elmgrove, Walton-on-Thames, we will be moving to a permanent home in Coronation Rec, Hersham – just 1.5 miles away (subject to the usual procedures).

The land on which we are currently situated has been earmarked for potential redevelopment. So, to help alleviate uncertainty we have been working with the folks at Elmbridge Borough Council and have identified the Herbert Crook Pavilion as an ideal site.  The building is approximately twice the size of our current Elmgrove site and comes with a portion of land on which we can recreate the Community Garden.

We hope to be in a position to move in spring 2025. In the meantime we are working our way through the small mountain of paperwork, thinking about how the building will look, and how the garden will be designed and maintained. Of course, the move is going to be very expensive. As such we have started to raise funds via our latest Crowdfunding Campaign.


Plans for the building

Depending on how much we can raise, and removing the cost of the admin involved in the move, we would very much like to create a building that is not only safe and welcoming but also warm and functional. Those of you that are familiar with our current home in Walton will understand the difference this means!

To facilitate this we aim to install an array of PV solar panels, battery storage, air source heat pump and ev car charging point. We will also replace the existing external doors with more secure, insulated options, install a state of the art security system, fit velux windows and light tunnels to provide more natural light into the building and replace the kitchen white goods, cupboard doors and worktops.

Of course, the crowdfund will not cover the cost of all of the above, so we are applying to various grant giving bodies in the hope of receiving offers sufficient to cover these costs.  Our objective is to create a building that reflects our environmental ethos, whilst allowing us to continue to provide local people with access to all the usual initiatives we provide – and more! WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!


Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering Temporary Halt

We are at full capacity for Duke of Edinburgh volunteers. As such, we are not accepting any additional volunteers until March 2025 when the current bronze cohort has finished. If you are interested in volunteering with us for your DofE please email us on DofE@elmbridgeecohub.org.uk



Opening Hours

 Monday 9 – 4pm

Thursday 9 – 4pm

Friday 9-4pm

Saturday 9 – Midday

Welcome to Elmbridge Eco Hub



Community Fridge

A Community Fridge – Donate and receive free fresh food. Open to EVERYONE

Community Garden

Consisting of an allotment, a sensory garden, dry/gravel garden, wild flower meadow, perennial flower garden and 2 ponds

Plastic Free Refill

Reuse your plastic containers by topping up with the products you need. Don't buy another plastic bottle, just because you’ve ran out of hand soap!


Learn to play a musical instrument, yoga, drawing, a language, how to use a computer or your iPad, grow your own food, sewing, knitting etc

Library of Things

Why buy, store, maintain when you can borrow for a fraction of the price. Save useful items going to landfill

Small item recycling point

Crisps, blister packs, Pringles, stationary, bread bags, board games, coffee bags, confectionary, bottle tops, biscuits, dental hygiene, Tupperware.

Litter Picking

Join us on the first Sunday of each month to help keep Elmbridge Tidy.

Book, board game and jigsaw swap

Swap an old game, jigsaw or book, for a “new to you”.

Garden Kitchen and Marquee

Year round garden room and kitchen. Heated, lighting, decked floor. Suitable for yoga, Pilates, cooking classes, etc

Everything we do is centred around THREE things:



We exist exclusively for the benefit of the people in our community. We want to ensure every member of our community has access to food, skills and equipment either free or at very low cost.



We want to provide people with the opportunity to learn and share their knowledge with others. We strive to encourage and facilitate people to reach their potential, improve confidence and their understanding of the world we live in.



We believe in the circular economy and trying to improve our environment. We aim to recycle, upcycle, reuse what we can, reduce waste and teach others to do the same.

Do you want to get involved?



If you would like to get involved with The Hub, have a look at the different initiatives we run, and decide which you would prefer to be part of. It may be that there is more than one initiative that interests you, and that’s great. Simply pop into the Hub and have a chat with one of the volunteers or management team.


We want to provide people with the opportunity to learn and share their knowledge with others. We strive to encourage and facilitate people to reach their potential, improve confidence and their understanding of the world we live in.

Corporate Social Responsibility

If you are a business, looking to improve your CSR, then look no further.

We have a multitude of options to offer from corporate litter pick days, supporting the Community Fridge, spending a day in the community garden,  conducting a skill share session or helping with the Library of Things.

We kindly ask for a financial contribution of £10 per volunteer, which helps us to cover our costs, and keep the Hub running.
