Happy summer solstice everyone!

It would be so much better if the sun was shining, but I’m sure the ground is glad to see a little rain!

A few things to update you about. The team which is constantly developing met with the Council last week to have another look at the building and grounds and meet the neighbours. During this visit we were able to view 2 rooms we had previously been unable to gain access to which will be really useful for storage and/or housing one of the initiatives.. The building really is a little maze.

The most exciting part was our viewing of the associated land. Its huge – about 1/4 of an acre and we have great plans for it. At the moment it’s best left to nature. The birds, butterflies and bees are doing a great job so we see no reason to change things, however, over time the area will be developed into a garden and vegetable/fruit growing area. Of course we will need lots of help to do this, so please get in contact if you would like to get involved.

We would like to welcome Jenny to the team. Jenny doesn’t want a specific role, but I am sure will be a fantastic addition and bring yet more enthusiasm and direction to the project.
