Health Safety and Environment Policy Elmbridge Community Eco Hub

Our Commitment
We aim to manage The Eco Hub in a responsible and accountable way, delivering our service with
integrity and respect. We are committed to providing our people with a safe and healthy working
and volunteering environment. We strive to give the wider community and our customers a service
that is sustainable, compliant, reliable, and safe. We believe in doing the right thing and in doing it
safely, without unnecessary risk to people’s health or to the environment.

Our Policy
This Policy outlines how we will deliver this commitment by ensuring we manage our HS&E risks and
opportunities in the right way: effectively and in accordance with our values.
To deliver a safe and sustainable service, every member of the Elmbridge Community Eco Hub
(ECEH) team will work together to fulfil our duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,
the Environmental Protection Act 1990, related legislation, compliance obligations and other
requirements. We are all accountable for making sure that we do our roles in a respectful and safe
way which protects the environment.
At ECEH we achieve this through:
• Regularly assessing our significant risks and having in place effective control measures to prevent
or minimise injuries, work/volunteer related ill health, environmental pollution, and the use of
natural resources
• Undertaking regular reviews of our HS&E performance and any significant issues to ensure
appropriate action is being taken to address these
• Having training and induction programs to improve the HS&E skills and knowledge of our people
• Having systems for reporting and investigating accidents, near misses, environmental incidents and
work/volunteer-related ill health to enable us to identify corrective and preventive actions to
eliminate or reduce risk and help us achieve continual improvement
• Having emergency response plans and resources that we have all received instruction on and
which are regularly tested
• Audit programs to measure our performance and compliance with applicable legislation,
procedures, policies, codes and control measures
• Providing appropriate equipment and facilities to help us all fulfil our roles professionally and
• Consulting and collaborating with our volunteers, customers, suppliers, regulators and other
stakeholders, on HS&E matters
• Providing professional expertise which is accessible to all operations and entities within ECEH to
assist our leadership teams in the day-to-day management of HS&E

This policy applies to every volunteer and team member of ECEH. It is supported by codes of practice
which provide detailed information on the management responsibilities in relation to specific risk

This Policy, associated codes of practice, procedures and performance will be monitored, regularly
reviewed, and evaluated periodically in accordance with our management system.
As Person of Significant Control I have overall responsibility for this policy and have allocated all
necessary resources for its implementation and ongoing compliance.

Mr Michael Tumilty
Founder and Director Elmbridge Community Eco Hub
